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What is a bulla cake?

Bulla cake, usually referred to as bulla, is a rich Jamaican cake made with molasses and spiced with ginger and nutmeg, sometimes dark-colored and other times light-colored. Bulla are small loaves that are flat and round. They are inexpensive and easy to make using molasses, flour and baking soda.

What type of cake is a butter cake?

Butter cakes can come in chocolate, white, yellow, and marble to name a few. Other cakes in this category may be "shortened" with oil, such as carrot cake or red velvet cake. Despite its name, this type of cake wasn't invented in the U.S., but it has gained lots of popularity here.

What kind of cake is a pound cake?

The cake itself is extremely dense, since it doesn't rise as much as the American-style butter cake. Because of its richness, pound cakes typically have light flavors and are served plain or topped with a basic glaze. They're normally baked in a loaf or Bundt pant.

What is angel food cake?

Angel food cake is made with only the egg whites, not the yolks. The beaten egg whites act as a leavening agent, and there is no added shortening in the recipe. This makes Angel food cake a delicious no-fat dessert. These cakes need to be baked in a tall pan because the egg whites create such a dramatic rise.

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